Location: Columbine Valley Town Hall
Those in attendance:
Jim Roller – President
Jan Ford – Secretary
Jim Howard – Treasurer
Jeff Brooks – Architectural Committee
Corey Siegel – Maintenance Committee
Resident Guests Include: Nancy Howard
Meeting called to order 6:40. Delay due to alarm going off in building.
Welcome to new member and discussion of meeting procedures this year.
Corey’s wife, Cheri, had a heart attack & is doing well. Jim Howard is recovering well from surgery.
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Howard
- Income is higher due to more homeowners paying this year and some others have paid delinquent dues.
- Discussion that dues may have to be raised in the future; possibility of using email to bill residents and using AutoPay.
- We have surplus money in the restricted fund, which is designated for only the common ground work. We receive money from the Lottery annually, most goes into maintaining entry way-care & new plants/mulch.
Architectural Committee – Jeff Brooks
- Bill Wieder will continue to work on the committee. Clark Ewald will be contacted to see if he would like to continue to serve. Clark will contact Jeff if interested.
- The Wieders are doing extensive work on the siding of their home, and their project was approved.
Website – Jeff Brooks
- He has updating and changing our website for more user-friendly access.
- Need now to have everyone’s email address.
- At each Village gathering we will try to cover this.
- Plans to expand our availability to our neighbors-for advice on outside service work; party plans and encouraging all in our neighborhood to take an active roll in the work of the HOA.
Landscape & Maintenance – Corey Siegel
- Position transition, he has worked out problems.
- New mulch has been placed along Platte Canyon, and the flower bed at the entrance.
President – Jim Roller
- New Business. We have 3 meetings planned: July 13th and October 4th. We need another meeting to finish our work for this time. May 9th at 6:30 at the Town Hall is scheduled.
- Meeting minutes will be forwarded to each Board member, asking for editing, then finalized for the record.
- Summer party on calendar for June 9th, site to be determined. Corey offered to handle all the food, paper supplies, soft drinks. He is a food broker, so was thanked for his offer to help.
- Nancy offered to help coordinate arrangements, we will try to get other volunteers. Not all work should be done by HOA Board members.
- Garage sale slated for June 11th. Jim Roller will put up the signs and banners and contact Craigslist for advertising. this date coordinates with Burning Tree sale.
- Brief discussion on inviting our neighbors to meetings-make them more attractive. We will invite the mayor to attend our summer party. Jan will issue the invitation.
- A thought to meet with the other 6 HOA boards in the Town of Columbine Valley.
Meeting concluded at 7:45.
Respectfully submitted, Jan Ford Secretary