Meeting Notes from August 9, 2010

A quorm met at the Town Hall Center. Those in attendance: President Bill Prather, Jim Roller, Jim Howard and Jan Ford. Those not in attendance: Bill Weider.
Those notables attending: Jeff Brooks, Gordon Clogston, Nancy Howard.

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as printed.
Treasurer’s report was distributed. A discussion of whether this information should be on the website resulted in a positive vote. Most dues have been paid, those unpaid for 2009 are now paid.

Architectural Committee: Chair Jim Roller reported an interesting note: there were chickens being raised in the Village! Behind the house at #8 Village Court.. A letter was drafted, then approved by the Board, to be mailed to the homeowner advising him of the town ordinances against this. On another matter, Jim explained the question of who owns #6 Village Ct. has now been cleared and the HOA dues paid.

Compliments on the Website were paid to Gordon, Good Job! An effort to collect all email addresses is underway.
Email: Since Gordon feels he
cannot continue to be on the Board, Jeff Brooks stepped up to volunteer his time and skills. The members quickly applauded this idea.

A discussion on permit/inspection requirements for upgrades to a home brought this result from the Town: “The Building Code is the 2008 IRC (this will be updated this fall) homeowner should call the office about building permits, it is pretty nebulous and permits are required for most everything except flat cement work, i.e.driveways.”

Compliments to the Howards for a wonderful Christmas party at their home. They have offered to repeat in 2010 .At this point in time Gordon Clogston offered to host the summer party in his backyard. We will offer our neighbors the opportunity to become more involved in the Village activities.

Corey Siegel of 22 Village Court has offered to become a member of the HOA Board. Thank you.
Bill Prather and Bill Wieder have both announced their resignations at the end of the year. Jim Roller will become our new President.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Ford, Secretary

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