Sunday, November 13, 2016 @ 3:30pm
Location: Willi Taylor’s house, 10 Columbine Ln.
In attendance: Jeff Brooks (Incoming President/Outgoing Secretary), Willi Taylor (Landscape and Maintenance Chair), Mimi Kuchman (Treasurer), Tiernan McKay (Incoming Secretary)
Absent: Adam Green (Design Review Chair)
Adam Green gave permission for Tiernan McKay to assume his vote by proxy.
Called to order by Jeff Brooks at 3:35.
Mimi Kuchman nominated Jeff Brooks as the new HOA President, replacing outgoing President, Jim Roller. Willi Taylor seconded the nomination and all present voted in favor. The new HOA President is Jeff Brooks, effective immediately. Thank you, Jim, for your service to our neighborhood.
Mimi Kuchman nominated Tiernan McKay as the new HOA Secretary, replacing outgoing Secretary, Jeff Brooks. Jeff Brooks seconded the nomination and all present voted in favor. The new HOA Secretary is Tiernan McKay, effective immediately.
Old Business –
Willi Taylor provided an updated on the neighborhood landscaping efforts, including plans for fall cleanup of the pocket park.
There are five homeowners who are delinquent on their HOA dues. Emails will be sent to collect on these past-due accounts.
New Business –
Mimi Kuchman gave a budget status for 2016. The current balance of our HOA account is $7,777.84. Both the entryway landscaping and summer block party came in under budget, helping us maintain a positive balance.
Jeff Brooks will talk with Town Manager, JD McCrumb to discuss the process of updating the HOA’s covenants.
Jeff Brooks discussed the need to get up-to-date on Welcome Basket deliveries for new neighbors. A budget has been set at $100/basket and a delivery timeframe within 1 month of closing was established.
Adam Green will review covenants to make sure neighbors are adhering to our by-laws, requesting permission for architectural changes when necessary, etc…
We will design and print postcards to include in Welcome Baskets, sharing information about the HOA, the Board, the neighborhood website, etc….
The Board approved an expense of $25/year to reimburse Mimi Kuchman for postage and printing of HOA-related materials.
Willi Taylor plans to add fill to the landscaping at the Platte Canyon entrance in the spring and will work with homeowners backing to Platte regarding tree trimming.
Willi Taylor will start a neighborhood Facebook page in an effort to keep neighbors more connected.
The date for the neighborhood Christmas party has been set for December 9. The Taylors have graciously agreed to host and have invited kids to join the fun. Save the date emails will be sent ASAP.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:30pm.