Village HOA Board Meeting
April 25, 2018 at the home of Jeff Brooks
Call to order @ 7:11pm
Present: Jeff Brooks, Willi Taylor, Mimi Kuchman, Adam Green, Tiernan McKay
Treasurer Report
- Current balance $9,484.34
- Many overdue HOA dues (18 homes!). They were due Jan 1 and a grace period ended March 15. Personal follow-ups necessary. Phone calls will ensue.
Landscaping/Maintenance Report
- Spring cleanup is complete on the west entrance, Willi will spray for weeds in pocket park
- East entrance will be done soon (w/ perennials)
- Tree mitigation is complete along Platte (Xcel)
- Nevada Ditch – trees behind 11 Middlefield are dangerously close to falling. Responsibility of homeowner/town/HOA to cleanup trees? Reminder will be sent about property lines and maintenance.
- Luminaries – process from last year needs to change. This year, volunteers will deliver luminaries. Proposal: Allocate $1000 in budget for luminary party on December 24
- Lighting at entrances need to be updated. Willi will call Dutch Creek Electric to get an estimate
- Pocket park needs wedding/aerating/fertilizing. Willi will follow up
Architectural Report
- 7 requests for approvals so far
- Town of CV says ALL exterior changes need to be approved by the HOA, structural or non-structural. Board needs to consider changing communications to residents regarding approvals. Meet with Stephanie from CV to understanding compliance issues
- Walk around the neighborhood to look for violations, Sunday May 6
New Business
- Summer BBQ Aug 26 – Save the date
- Tiernan drafts letter for neighborhood update (further update on retaining walls and trees, etc…)
- Christmas party date: December 1. Mimi will reach out to secure location
- Covenants: Update to new draft. Need to add plat